Pstereo 2018

Role: Supervisor and project group

After 3 years of storage, the same material used for the Trondheim Gridshell was reused for a pavilion at the 2018 Pstereo music festival in Trondheim.  The idea for reuse was initiated by a group of 1st and 2nd years students of architecture who did an initial design of the shape. A similar shape was then form found with a version of dynamic relaxation in Grasshopper that also checked the minimum curvature at each timber lath.

The material could easily be disassembled, and the pavilion stood for 3 days, demonstrating that timber gridshells can be suitable for temporary installations.

Palleland 2017

Role: Supervisor and project group


Marinen, Trondheim

Summer 2016

Academic supervisors: Steffen Wellinger M.Arch, Steinar Hillersøy Dyvik M.Arch, Thea Andreassen M.Arch, Anders Gunleiksrud M.Arch

NTNU, NTNU Live Studio, Pstereo music festival

Budget: 60 000 NOK

Project leader:
Kristin Solhaug Næss, M.Arch

Project group:
Oda Sivesind Holthe, Marie Langsholt Holmqvist, Guro Ek, Fredrik Justnes, Gustav Bjørngaard Rødde,
Aksel Borgen, Ulrikke Schønfeldt, Julia Kolacz, Kristina Stendahl Karlsen, Mary Linh Nguyen, Eigil Aandahl

Veita 2015
Role: Project group


Marinen, Trondheim

Kristin Solhaug Næss, Hanna Landmark, Maria Therese Nervik

Andreas Engleset, Øystein Fjeldbo, Bendik
Kvernevik, Morten Kleveland, Ada Hoel

ACADEMIC SUPERVISORS: Steffen Wellinger, Silje Strøm Solberg

Lone Moa, Ola Hassel, Jørgen Tellefsen Relling, Mariann Stensaas, Simon Dai, Nikolas Røshol, Hanne Karin Broch, Sindre Andresen, Runa Sandø, Kristine Øvstebø, Steinar Hillersøy Dyvik, John Mork

ORGANIZATIONS: Pstereofestivalen , NTNU, ”En blå tråd” v/ Trondheim kommune, NTNU Live Studio

© Steinar Hillersøy Dyvik 2021