Steinar Hillersøy Dyvik

Short CV - (long CV here)

2022-09 - Now
YME Arkitekter - Architect

2017-08 - 2022-08
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
PhD-candidate in Architecture

2015-08 - 2017-07
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Research Assistant
2010-08 - 2015-06
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Master in Architecture

2013-09 - 2014-08
Tokyo Institute of Technology
International Exchange Student - Hiroyasu Fujioka Laboratory

Born in Bergen, Norway

email: sdyvik (at)

What is a computational design specialist?
(my definition)
A computational design specialist supports architectural design teams in using computational tools and workflows and trains colleagues in how to implement computational and data-driven design approaches. Possible approaches include datadriven design, development of efficient workflows, reduction of redundant tasks, parametrisation of solution spaces and concepts, handling of complex geometry, development of in-house tools and plugins, digital fabrication, genetic optimisation, form-finding and generative design.

© Steinar Hillersøy Dyvik 2021